5-Step Strategy To Run Facebook Ad Funnels That Drive Conversions

5 Step Strategy To Run Facebook Ad Funnels That Drive Conversions

Every brand can achieve rocking sales on Facebook, but the key to selling better and faster isn’t just to dole out tons of content out there. Creating a Funnel is the smarter move you can make instead. 

Most businesses simply run conversion ads hoping users would come to your site and make a purchase. This may happen for some time with some users, but if you want to scale your business faster, you need a better strategy.

As you run conversion ads for your site, competition from other brands targeting the same users in a similar domain will lead to your cost to acquire new paying customers and getting courses sold is only going to increase over time.

And that’s really why many businesses cannot scale beyond a certain growth point. But the truth is that with a Facebook page, you can build amazing funnels that drive traffic to your site, increase awareness about your brand, generate intrigue about your products and finally help visitors to convert into paying customers. In fact, you can design your own 5-step Facebook ad sales funnel yourself.

Facebook is a conversion machine

It’s still the most-used social media platform, with more than 2.45 billion monthly active users to date. If you know who’s using the platform and how they are using it, you can really drive growth exponentially. A deeper understanding of the demographics, usage and other trends is key to Facebook advertising.

But Facebook ads perform poorly without a Funnel 

  • Facebook Sales Funnel is your Money Saver Tool:9 It helps you stand out from the other white noise and get the conversion rates you want to see.
  • It Works Its Magic on 99% of Visitors Who Aren’t Ready to Purchase, Yet It helps you understand each of your potential customer’s circumstances and then show them the right ad which resonates with them and so on.

Tired Of Getting Low Sales For Your Courses? Discover Advanced Facebook Ads Funnel, Strategies & Sell your Courses Like A Pro. Access The Free Masterclass: Advanced Facebook Strategies For Course Creators 

How to crack Facebook Funnel Code For Your Business?

The stages of a digital sales funnel are fuelled by Facebook at every stage. And the key is to get these stages right. Here’s how it works:

Sales funnle social media (1)

Stage 1: Awareness

Through ads and organic social media posts, users discover and are made aware of your brand and the product’s market presence. They don’t know about you, your brand or product. Make them aware and get them excited about the promise of your product. Don’t pitch them to buy just yet.

Stage 2: Consideration

Users are aware of your product and may have an interest. They are shown ads to help them consider your product. This is again a stage where you highlight how your course helps them solve their problem.

Stage 3: Decision

Users at this purchase stage of the sales funnel are ready to purchase your product.

Stage 4: Post-Purchase Nurture

Users in this stage of your sales funnel have purchased, but you still need to continue to nurture the relationship with them to retain them and sell your products in the future.

Stage 5: Create another  follow-up campaign to increase repeat purchases

This piece of the campaign is not necessarily to be immediately. There are times, these consideration campaigns are even run months later, giving the user enough hints to order his next round of something like dishwasher or carpet cleaning detergent. The whole idea is to re-engage with the customers who may have otherwise fallen off your sales cycle. Adjusting as you see fit is key.

What do you do in the 3 stages of the Facebook Ad Sales Funnel?

Facebook ads are all about creating interesting content. As a creator, you have to drive the sales through them. All you need to create is rich, informative, and interesting content matched with great ad creatives to serve all four stages of your funnel.

Or, all you have to do is follow these four steps designed per stage of Facebook Sales Funnel while covering content and ads:

  • Inform & educate users about your brand and products This is the first step to help you put the users in your sales funnel. You need to generate traffic for your product. Content that introduces your product and why users need it is the first thing to start with. As you get more insights and data from the ads on this content piece, you can then run look-a-like audience ads as well to get even more traffic to the site. While results will vary, the more engaging your content is, the better the results on your ad spends will be. In addition to paid ads, you could run a referral contest and create organic posts with high-value content that will supplement your effort to inform & educate your users at any stage of your Facebook sales funnel.


  • Offer Solutions to their problem

In this stage, you need to prove it to users why they absolutely need your product. What is so special about it, and how would it change the user’s life for the better? The whole purpose is to help the users overcome any doubts they have about your product. There are several ways to do this. However, videos generally tend to have the most engagement. Since you would want the users to come to your site and interact with it, you could offer a sign-up for a great webinar that addresses what users need, provide an ebook for download, ask them to join a free course or a masterclass or simply have them watch a video on your site. When users take this action, Facebook can track their interest and engagement with your brand and its website.

You can then run remarketing campaigns on users who have expressed interest. Target users, in particular, who have watched some part of your video ad all the way through or those who visited your site.

Additionally, make a point to answer all comments on your running ads. This is your chance to connect with your warm audience.

Knorish Pro Tip: Facebook’s custom audience feature lets you target users who have watched some part of your video. 

Videos are the most watched form of online content today. Hence, retargeting users who have watched your video is as great way of getting better results at lower costs. This audience has seen your video, hence has the interest and intent and is more likely to purchase your course.

  • Get that Conversion – Give offers & discounts 

After stage 2, there will be hundreds if not thousands of users lingering at the edge of stage 3, almost ready to purchase from your site. You just need to give them a little nudge. You can do this by running ads offering special discounts and other offers to woo them. Who doesn’t love saving a little money, after all? Your users included.

And this is where direct conversion ads will help you drive sales better and if you have done the first two steps right, at a lower cost as well.

So as you run your conversion ads, create enough urgency while simultaneously offering incentives for users to convert. Adding “only 24 hours left!” or “limited time offer only” is always a great hook.

  • Retain old users while adding new ones to the funnel

The acquisition cost for a new customer comes out to be much higher than retaining old customers. That’s why you need to keep new customers engaged. But the battle isn’t completely won yet. Retarget your high-value customers through paid ads but at the same time leverage engagement through organic posts too.

You have to drive further purchases with a higher purchase value, and encourage referrals through your content.

In the coming section, now we’ll talk about people or organizations relying heavily on Facebook Ads sales funnels, using ad campaign objectives to reach cold targeted audiences, and nurturing them through to the conversion stage with nothing but ad campaigns. And here’s what it takes:

5 Steps to Create a Facebook Funnel with Facebook Ads

Facebook has already evolved to push paid content more than organic. So while the highly engaging type of content still gets out there, it has just become that much more difficult to achieve that kind of outreach with organic content. This is why you need to build a Facebook Funnel using paid ads to achieve exceptional reach and better sales quickly.

So, here are a few mind-blowing tips for you to consider while you’re at it. The trick lies in being able to adjust these steps as necessary to fit your audience and their actions.

Step 1: Create a semi-targeted video ad first for Awareness

The whole purpose is to appeal to specific niches of your target audience. You can do it well by sharing an introductory message because here you’re targeting cold traffic. So start by telling your brand’s story and/ or focusing on its unique features. But talk about the promise of your content and how it solves your audience’s problems. This is a great way to garner attention and make your brand memorable. Video campaigns help you really well here. Later, you can use interest-based cold audience targeting to create a lookalike audience off a high-value custom audience, too, on its basis.

Step 2: Follow it up with a Retargeting Campaign

This campaign type has to be designed based on how the initial audience has interacted with your brand and the website. You could use video views of your first campaign, by clicks enabled on your landing page. In this campaign you can show slightly more targeted messaging to our audience. Carousel and Collection Ads are great choices here as they can efficiently showcase any number of different products or messages quickly.

Step 3: Run a lead generation ad next

This means that now you would want to show your users an ad campaign based on what they clicked on last time around, which could be a lead ad or another carousel ad featuring similar products. So, the strategy is to show your users dynamic ads focusing on products they’ve viewed already. This is the stage when you can strongly impress the brand presence on a user’s mind.

Lead generation ad campaigns are usually used by businesses when they wish to qualify the leads and communicate with the leads via phone or email list. So in case, this manual step is not something you need for your business, consider running a direct conversion ad which is the next step.

Step 4: Run yet another retargeting campaign, but this time let it be sales focussed 

When you offer users a first-time customer discount, make sure the offer is super enticing that converts interested users into actual paying customers. Limited period offers, seasonal offers, and one-time values are just some ways you can entice your audience.

Generally, most businesses run direct conversion ads as their first strategy to get sales. And as such, over time, the cost of acquiring new customers will increase. Running retargeting campaign at this stage will not only reduce the audience size to a super-targeted audience, but it will also definitely help you decrease your cost of acquiring new customers in the long run. And that is the real power of a Facebook Funnel!

Step 5: Create another  follow-up campaign to increase repeat purchases

This piece of the campaign is not necessarily to be done immediately. There are times, these campaigns are even run months later, giving the user enough hints to order his next round of something like dishwasher or carpet cleaning detergent. The whole idea is to re-engage with the customers who may have otherwise fallen off your sales cycle. Adjusting as you see fit is key.

How Knorish can help to run your Facebook Sales Funnels? 

After you have built your site with Knorish, to sell your courses you would need landing pages, promo videos, and content to educate your audience about your courses. With the in-built website landing page builder, you can not only design your own custom landing pages, but you can also even track the performance of these pages, how your site visitors are behaving on the page, track if they download the high-value content or sign up on your site or not and more. And all this is possible with Knorish and the features available on the platform.

Plus, you can also integrate Facebook Pixel on your Knorish site to enable Facebook to track all this data. clicking here.

Tired Of Getting Low Sales For Your Courses? Discover Advanced Facebook Ads Funnel, Strategies & Sell your Courses Like A Pro. Access The Free Masterclass: Advanced Facebook Strategies For Course Creators 

What to do to fix a leak in your Facebook Ad Sales Funnel? 

Coming to the important questions now. Facebook ads can be tricky to master and are easy to screw up. But the catch is to recognize what is not working. So here’s a quick checklist to rule out any mismatch:

Pitfalls in the First Stage of Awareness

  • Have you created multiple campaigns to hit all your goals or not? If not, please do.
  • People aren’t ready to convert when they log in to Facebook. Have you run an awareness campaign?
  • Retained the interest of the users by presenting your users with offers or not?
  • Has your user been given an option to try your product?

Pitfalls in the Other Stages

Sometimes, the problem could be a minor one, like an ad campaign that’s just not doing its job or a landing page that doesn’t resonate with your audience for whatever reason.

  • Are you following a set practice of continually tweaking the offer, audience, ad creative, and landing page? If not, you need to be considerate of those factors too.
  • Is your landing page content up to the mark?
  • Have you checked the content quality from a potential customer’s perspective?

Final Word 

Facebook Ad Funnels can be meticulous yet be particularly difficult at times as there are so many factors and touchpoints involved. But once you overcome those hurdles, define your target audience, and create high-quality content, you can quickly leverage the platform to run highly targeted ads that expand your reach and help you sell better and faster.

With the right steps in place and great content there When you create a Facebook funnel using the steps listed above, you can move your prospects step-by-step through the buying process and supply them with the information they need to know to make a well-informed buying decision.

It’s just a matter of time and patience.

The best part is that with the automation available on Knorish and on Facebook, once the funnel is set, you just have to monitor your ads’ performance and watch your online course business grow.


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